Today was a pretty busy day for me. When I woke up I made my self toast and sprinkled cinamon sugar on it. Ann had no idea what on earth I was making. Then she asked me what kind of food she should buy from the grocery store. I started listing off some things and after peanut butter I asked if she had jelly. She asked me what in god's name that was. I said it was like jam and she goes, "Oh thats right, you Americans actually like that rubbish, peanut butter and jam."
Then Ann and I went off into town to set up my bank account. The girl that helped us happened to be an exchange student in Duluth a few years ago, so she was fun to talk to. I also got a cell phone. I tried to find the cheapest one, but it was still nz$130.
At about 2, I went to the airport with the man that's in charge of one of my rotary clubs to meet 2 more exchange students. The first girl that arrived was from France and she could barely speak english, so I didn't really get to talk to her. The next girl was from Buffalo, New York. She was so sweet and nice! Our host parents gave each other thier phone numbers so me and Kendyl can hang out some time.
Later that night, I went with Ann to the Rotary meeting. Everyone knew who I was and greeted me. I had to introduce myself but my real speech will be August 17.